Wednesday, December 2, 2009


tday I watched Leatherheads. Starring George Clooney, John Krasinski or whoever he is. It was talking about American footbal in 1920s. But this was a romantic-comedy film. I LOVE THIS MOVIE.

watch it yourself then.

part which I love: The 31 old journalist fell in love with a 45 years old football player. The first meeting was so full of sharp words, and so were the 2nd, 3rd, 4th,.. meeting. The kiss part was hmm... haha. And the football player asked the journalist to marry him. And and and. Just watch it yourself!

Here, I copy paste one of the best part:
Carter Rutherford: Wait. Where were you two?
Jimmy 'Dodge' Connelly: Out.
Lexie Littleton: Nowhere.
Carter Rutherford: Did you *kiss* her?
Lexie Littleton: Now wait a minute.
Carter Rutherford: I want answers!
Jimmy 'Dodge' Connelly: Yeah, I kissed her! On the mouth, twice! And I liked it. A lot!
Carter Rutherford: Oh you did, did you?
Jimmy 'Dodge' Connelly: Yeah!
Lexie Littleton: Thanks.
Jimmy 'Dodge' Connelly: You're welcome.

Carter Rutherford: I thought you liked me.
Jimmy 'Dodge' Connelly: Look, she's too old for you.
Lexie Littleton: What? Well, you're too old for *me*!
Jimmy 'Dodge' Connelly: Well, you got me on that one.

Monday, November 30, 2009

my another blog

check it out

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

a pencil

a pencil. a touch. a sentence. a happiness.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Canisius Creative Event

Hari ini ada acara di CC. Gue sama Ulla, Valerie, Daniel, James, sama Samuel ngisi band. 1 lagu aja kok. Tapi lumayan banget lah. Biasanya anak Sanur mana pernah ikut acara apa gitu band nya. Walaupun ini juga gabung sama anak CC nya, THANK GOD BANGET kita udah bisa main.

Acaranya tuh ada lomba mat, komputer sama melukis gitu buat anak TK dan SD (ma brader ikut lomba komputer HAHAHAHAHA). Tujuan acaranya promosi sekolah ke anak-anak TK-SD. Tapi yang isi acara itu boleh siapa aja termasuk band dari sekolah2, modern dance, ada juga piano solo, biola solo, gitar klasik, banyak deh.

Tadi pagi dateng, kata Ulla suruh nyusul dia ke ruang BP gitu. Ternyata dia lagi briefing buat MC, gue akhirnya juga kena jadi MC. Tolong ya samasekali garing dan ga asik udah deh gatau muka mau ditaro dimana. gue kan gabisa nge-MC. aduh. MC lainnya ada Ben sama Imanuel anak kelas 7 CC, sama ada Darryl sama Agung anak kls9 CC. Gila si Ben sih emang gokil tuh anak :D

Terus yauda sambil ngisi-ngisi MC (sumpah ini gak banget!), Ulla MD sama Monic, Tom, Jojo, Tia jem setengah 11an. Terus band kita yang sama Daniel sama James sama Samuel itu main jem setengah12an. Main lagu Sunday Morning nya Maroon5, terus hari ini ditambahin ada yang main saxophone. haha keren2. Itu kita latian cuma 1x, hari Jumat doang. Haha GILA. Makanya endingnya agak-agak gimana gitu. Sempet gak abis-abis, gak masuk-masuk ke ending, diulang-ulang terus, gatau mau ending kapan. Akhirnya berhasil ending dengan selamat sih. haha. Tapi gada yang tau kan kalo kita ngaco endingnya. Untung playernya gak panik ya. Gue, James sama Daniel udah sampe ngobrol-ngobrol di panggung kapan mau ending. Untungnya lagi Samuel sama Ulla pas kita gak selesai-selesai mereka nyanyi-nyanyi improv apa gitu hahahaha keren keren -_______-

Terus ya tadi band-band anak CC dari kelas7, kelas8, kelas9 tuh benerbener ya. Superjago, penuh skill, keren abis gila. Sanur mau ada band 1 aja udah susah haha. Terus ada band dari Sanmar, kaya diboikot gitu gak sih sama anak CC. Pas mereka mulai nyanyi Balonku dengan aransemen rock, anak CC pegi hihihi. Terus ada band dari Tere, bagus deh, 2lagu akhir drummernya rangkap vokalis. Terus apalagi ya? Udah deh paling TOP band-band CC. Kelas7nya aja bagus gitu, drummernya kecil bgt lucu.

MDnya sih Sanur deh kerennn. MD lain ada Tere sama Tarki.

Terus tadi banyak ngeliat temen-temen SD gue haha yang pada sekolah di CC, yang pada sekolah di Sanmar terus tadi ada, banyak deh. Terus ada temen-temen baru yang baru kenal. Seru deh.

Thanks to: Band (Ulla, Valerie, Daniel, James 'perkedel', Samuel), temen-temen gue yang MD (Tia, Tom, Jojo, Monic), temen-temen MC (Kak Alva, Darryl, Agung, Imanuel, dan BEN), terus buat CC, buat Sanur (Suster yang udah ngijinin kita main, Bu Retha yang udah ngurus-ngurus dan repot-repot, temen2 yang udah dateng tadi--->YANG GAK DATENG NYESEL LO, dll dll), dll dll dll.

oia, btw tadi manggung gue main BASS. Sejak kapan ya gue main bass? hahahaha ada-ada aja lo yun.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Michael Jackson

ini cara ngirim tugas ke Elisa Wisfa. kalo lewat email lama attach nya mending lewat blog. nih buat tugas komputer nih el. haha.

Vespa, Volkswagen, VINTAGE!

this is definetly a beauty of vintage


Friday, November 13, 2009

Opposite Attract

Dear Opposite Attraction,
The saying "opposites attract" is definitely true in some instances. Perhaps it's the diversity of difference that creates the initial attraction - the other person has things (traits, etc.) that you don't and vice versa. Some people find the difference exciting.

The way you are opposites and the way you communicate as opposites is the key as to whether you can build a successful foundation with each other. Let's examine an extreme situation:

You're a republican - he's a democrat.
You're a vegetarian - he's a meat eater.
You hate horror movies - he absolutely loves horror movies.
You love romantic movies - he can't stand romantic movies.
You're an extrovert - he's an introvert.

That was what I found on the internet.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The AXE Effect

Tadi pulang sekolah perform tugas iklan buat pelajaran Seni Rupa.
Gue, Dela, Ulla, Jenny, CL, Veve, Diana, Chelsea, Meily pake iklan AXE (bagi yang gak tau, itu merk deodorant-parfume cowok!!!)

Persiapannya SANGAT MINIM tapi seru. Bikin propertinya itu seru banget. Kemaren mau ngerjain, gue, CL, Veve, Meily di sekolah, ngerjain yang ada. Diana, Chelsea, Jenny, Dela ke Pasar Baru (deket kan dari sekolah) beli properti yang lain, yang ga ada. Taunya mereka belom balik-balik dan UJAN. Poor them. Untung gue ga ikut haha (di hati yang paling dalam pengen juga sih main ujan, udah lama gak main ujan). Kasian mereka, basah kuyup bener2 kuyup..

Terus bikin propertinya kebanyakan main (haha emang biasanya juga gitu) sampe2 kita pulang jem setengah 5 sore dari sekolah. Main cat lah, apa lah. Bahkan gue n Jenny sempet kejar2 Meily, terus dia ngumpet di WC, terus kita semprot. Gini nih ceritanya: Meily ngecat tangan (kena baju!!!) gue. terus Jenny juga dicoret. Terus Meily kabur ke WC. Gue n Jenny intipin WCnya satu2 dari bawah. Nah semua WC udah kosong, tapi ada satu yang dikunci, TAPI GADA KAKINYA (kita ngintip dari bawah pintu). MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (evil laugh) MEILY DISEMPROT AIR DARI WC SEBELAHNYA SAMA JENNY. HAHAHAHA. Makanya Mei, jangan main2 sama kita HAHAHAHA. Tapi SERU BANGET!!!

Main-mainnya lagi ya: Kan norak gitu baru beli kain buat background iklannya. Gue, CL, Jenny, Veve mainin kain2 itu, dibiki kerudung lah, jubah lah, terus gue jadi matador, Jenny jadi bantengnya, terus kita piknik diatas kain itu. HAHA NORAK ABIS KAYA BARU LIAT KAIN. terimakasih buat orang yang telah menemukan kain, kamu bisa membuat kita jadi norak.

Nah. Back to the topic, kita bikin background kan mau kaya ada toko-toko gitu. Banner merk-merknya. Merknya kita pelesetin. Contoh: Kipling jadi kliping. Nike jadi Naiki. Zara jadi Zala. Gucci jadi Gucii. Terus kita bikin banner AXE yang gede. Oia ngomong-ngomong AXE, CL udah bawa parfumnya. Nah kita testing ke orang-orang yang lewat. Bahkan pagi-paginya gue dengan noraknya nyemprot2 itu di kelas, jadi kelas satu harian bau macho-macho gimana gitu.

Bahkan ini tugas udah dikasi dari lama gitu dan kita baru siap2 beberapa hari sebelum tampil (TAPI LIAT AJA HASILNYA, BAGUSSSSSSS :D). Jalan cerita dari iklannya aja baru dibikin tadi sesaat sebelum tampil. haha. Soalnya sebelum ngusulin iklan parfum, malah kita mau iklan yang aneh2 (cth: iklan pembalut wanita).

Nih jalan ceritanya: Setting nya di jalanan yang banyak toko2 gitu, ada manekin2 pajangan baju gitu. Dela (cowok culun) mohon2 sama Ulla (cewe glamour atau apa deh yang gitu2 demen shopping2) kaya memelas gitu Dela nya. Tapi Ulla ninggalin Dela. Terus Dela kaya sedih gitu. Scene2, gue (cowo keren) dan Ulla dan CL (cewe gitu) lagi jalan di tempat itu kaya shopping2 gitu. Ceritanya gue kaya playboy gitu. Terus Chelsea nawarin AXE ke Dela. Dela semprot2, terus jadi wangi macho, terus Ulla n CL TERPIKAT soalnya nyium2 gitu terus ternyata Dela yang wangi. Ulla n CL ngejar2 Dela, eh manekin2nya yang dari toko-toko background itu (Diana, Meily, Jenny, Veve) juga ikut bangun terus ngejar2 Dela.

Hasilnya liat dari Pak Anton bilang propertinya paling bagus (selain background kain dan banner2, kita juga bawa sepatu, baju, tas, gitu yang merk Nike, Gucci, Kipling, Zara). Haha. Tapi gatau sih soalnya kelompok lain pake nyanyi2 gitu, tapi kita nggak. Kita cuma pasang lagunya Cobra Starship yang Good Girls Go Bad dari laptop, dan gak gitu kedengeran. Semoga nilai kita bagus deh. Tapi sih menurut gue kita punya bagus kok, friends! KEREN!

Yah begitulah hidup kelompok kami, Sistem Kerja Semalam, tapi hasilnya maksimal banget. Kalo kelompok lain udah pada siap dari minggu kapan, dan udah latihan bener2 sampe bagus, kita SPONTAN MEN HAHA GILAA. Drama Queen banget!!! Dan emang kita bisanya kaya gitu. Kalo tugas yang dibikin berhari2 sebelumnya gatau mo jadi apa. Kita lebih maksimal kalo mepet haha. Sebenernya gak bagus, tapi gimana ya, dibawa F.U.N ajalah. Toh selesai juga kan, gak kalah dari kelompok yang persiapannya berjuta2 tahun sebelumnya! haha.

Thanks to:
Pak Anton


Sunday, November 8, 2009

Mood Swing

1. Somebody (not me) feels wishy-washy now. Struggle, buddy.

2. I _ _ _ _ him. Even he is not as handsome as George Harrison (talking about George Harrison, he is the most handsome guy all over the universe of all time), even he is not... even he is not as...... even... even... even.... I adore him so much!

3. I am as lazy as the laziest cow in the whole galaxy.

4. I feel FAT. More fat. Like a lazy fat cat.

5. I feel error. Like a robot in the rain.

6. I feel stupid. I can't do math or physics things.

7. I feel the beat of Michael Jackson's music....................................................................since he was dead. Oh great. I wish I were growing up when he was a handsome-shy-man.

8. I don't know what to do. Suicide has came to my mind several times. But it'll become silly and stupid if I do that. So I don't wanna do that until I have courage to kill myself with a pen (Just Kidding ofcourse. how silly)


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Remember the Time

I can't stop smiling today! JEEZ

these are some suitable line (for me) of Michael Jackson's Remember the Time :

In each other's eyes, We'd stare

Do you remember the time, How we used to talk

Those special times, They'll just go on and on, In the back of my mind

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Yesterday I put a super silly post on my blog, and this post is sillier than yesterday's. So enjoy... I am on my way to forget that thing and heal myself and getting a NORMAL life without his shadow.

Just think I'm BumbleBee who couldn't speak, so I speak with radio and music.

'Somebody told me, you have a boyfriend, who looks like a girlfriend, then I have a bad view of wary of last year...'
(Somebody Told Me - The Killers)

'I don't love you, like I did yesterday...'
(I Don't Love You - MCR)

'Speaking words of wisdom, let it be...'
(Let it Be - The Beatles)

'If you should ever find someone new, I know he'd better be good to you, Cause if he doesn't, I'll be there'
(I'll be There- Jackson5)

'Cause the hardest part of this, is leaving you...'
(Cancer - MCR)

'Thank's for the memories even only words'
(Thanks for the Memories - FOB)

'Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry, you don't know how lovely you are'
(The Scientist - Coldplay)

'If I never see your face again I don't mind'
(If I Never See Your Face Again - Maroon5 feat. Rihanna)

'Every single time I see you in the street as you walk by, The shuffle in your feet is if to say, You'd rather die'
(The Last to Know - The Sherwood)

'How poor my heart aches with every step you take'
(Every Breath you Take - The Police)

COMPLICATED POST! I just wanna tell the girl in the mirror (haha cos I'm not a man, so there is no Man in The Mirror) to stop loving him. stupido. because he has already writing his own story. and as my pal's advice, I'm trying to LET IT BE.

p.s: 'If I could build the wall that can separate us, but honestly I CAN'T' (Nidji)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Falling in Love Wasn't My Plan

I never heard a single word about you, Falling in love wasn't my plan, I never thought that I would be your lover, Come on please just understand
(Michael Jackson)

These days I am in a damn thing calls love and what the hell I feel that this is so not me. I've never been like this before and hey can you imagine that I have myself separated. In my normal side I don't want to fall in love (EVEN TO WRITE THE WORD 'LOVE' IS SO EMBARASSING MAN). And in my what-the-hell-side I am officially loving someone.

I love someone whom I mustn't like. And when I was trying to hate him, it became harder. I don't want to like him. FALLING IN LOVE WASN'T MY PLAN. It's out of my bussiness and I can't do anything about it.

But in my what-the-hell-side I am curious. And I think like this is normal.
Let's get this teen's heart beating faster, faster
(Panic at the Disco)

and asking about his kindness and smile and thinking when he looks me in the eyes and... and... what does it mean? What does his smile mean? What does.... what does...

I can't take this anymore. Just go with the flow. This damn thing is really irritating you know. It could getting worse and maybe worst but who cares. I am infected anyway. And loving someone is the most dangerous and deadly dissease.

But I (in my what-the-hell-side-MODE) wanna tell him:
Baby, don't you ignore me, because I can't see, if you do like me too


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Dosakah Aku - NIDJI

Dosakah aku mencintaimu,
mendampingimu, menginginkamu
Aku menjadi diri sendiri
tak peduli apa kata dunia
Kunanti hari ketika cinta datang,
cinta menang
Jadi sayangku bertahanlah,
bila terkadang mulutnya kejam
Peluklah aku, jangan menyerah
mereka bukan hakim kita
Bintang yang mempertemukan kita
Cinta yang mempertahankan kita
Oo Tuhan dengarkan doa, dari cinta yang terlarang
Rasa yang mempersatukan kita
Cinta yang mempertahankan kita
Oo Tuhan dengarkan doa dari cinta yang terlarang
Cinta dan rasa bersatu di doa
Berharap cinta kita yang kan menang

that's what GiringNIDJI said in Nidji's new album: Let's Play

enjoy Indonesian music

Friday, October 30, 2009


"I got to grow up in a situation where drugs were demonic. To watch your dad go through heroin withdrawal is something that would keep you from doing any of that yourself."

"Talent is funny, I've always looked at talent like what the hell does talent really mean? Talent is to actors what luck is to card players. It's not really anything, it's just a fictitious word that people have created and labeled things..."

"...Talent is like you know I never really believed in talent, I believed in drive and determination and preparation but talent is sort of like luck. I wouldn't want to think of myself as talented it doesn't seem like there's any validity in that. I like to think of myself as an ordinary man with extra ordinary determination. That's it."

"I know I'm one of the luckiest dudes in America right now. I have a great house. My parents don't have to work. I've got money. I'm famous. But it could all change, man. It could go away. You never know."
"Most actors on most days don't think they're worthy. I have no idea where this insecurity comes from, but it's a God-sized hole. If I knew, I'd fill it, and I'd be on my way."

"Sometimes I feel I'm living a meaningless life and I get frightened."

(when asked about what it's like to be a celebrity) "I'll tell you when I become one."

-Shia LaBeouf-

I am so inspired and THANK GOD! not for the beef but for the ROCK!


I'm getting intense with basketball.

terus tadi gue, Aggy, Ulla, sama 2anak kelas7 (MAAF MASI LUPA NAMANYA) lawan guru. curang gurunya BOYS. nggak deh: MEN + Bu Retha
-->Pak Iwan, Pak Didi, Pak Bernad
ya iyalah udah lebih tinggi, terus pass-break nya Pak Didi buset dah udah kaya apa tauu jauh banget.
terus Pak Bernad udah kaya bener2 freestyle haha -________- sampe muter2 sendiri.
kok pada jago sih?

and now I'm damn sick, capek....


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Santa Ursula's Day

Jumat,23 Oktober dan Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2009 merayakan Hari Santa Ursula. Sebenernya diawali pas hari Rabu,22 Oktober 2009 dengan misa kampus merayakan Hari Santa Ursula. Terus bagian SMP Sanur lanjutin dengan ngadain Sanur's Day; ada lomba-lomba seperti Fotografi, Modern Dance, Mendongeng (untuk SD), Cerdas-cermat, dan VOLIIIIII. haha.

gue ikut fotografi dan.......... *ta-da* juara3. sumpah, gue ga brasa 'waaaaaw' gitu. cuma bzzzzzzt. apaan sih. I DON'T FEEL A THING. I CAN'T FEEL A THING. setelah dipikir2, alesannya bisa disimpulkan dengan satu pertanyaan: kenapa 'manusia itu' gengsi banget sih?

udah ah. bt. minta critain orang lain aja ya. bye.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

AWAKE (2007)

The twenty-two year old Clay Beresford (Hayden Christensen) is a genius of finance secretly in love of his mother's secretary Sam Lockwood (Jessica Alba). Clay has a complex, expecting recognition from his mother Lilith Beresford that he is as capable as his father was, and he needs heart transplantation. When Clay finds a donor compatible with his rare blood, he requests his friend Dr. Jack Harper (Terrence Howard) operate him under the protest of his mother that wants the famous Dr. Jonathan Neyer responsible for the procedure. On the eve of his heart surgery, Clay marries Sam and during the surgery, he experiences an "anesthetic awareness" that leaves his conscious but paralyzed. Clay witnesses the dialogs in the room and discovers dark secrets about his surgery.

pokoknya cerita psychological-thriller tentang orang yang mau transplant jantung, terus dipotong pake pisau, berdarah2 gitu, serem. liat2 jantung orang dikobok-kobok. crita orang yang gabisa dibius terus sadar selama operasi. cerita cinta yang menipu. damn. terus cerita malpraktek, persahabatan, relationship mother-son. cerita 'sukses bukan segala2nya'. GILA BARU SADAR INI FILM KEREN BANGET SETELAH DIRINCIIN GINI.
dan film ini sangat menipu (Clay's bestbuddy and wife are suck), tapi happy ending. banyak flashbacknya. keren.

Hayden Christensen was damngreat! This is not STAR WARS and Hayden Christensen was not Anakin Akywalker. but it was damncool.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009