Sunday, February 28, 2010

I Need You - George Harrison

Oh I love George Harrison

Honestly I can't put my ears away from Cobra Starship's Fold Your Hands Child. Valerie asked me to hear it then I just love it!
If you read the lyrics, they're soooooooooooooooo damn sweet I don't know why, I just love the lyrics.

One thing. I love when George Harrison sang (when he was still with The Beatles) ! Me likeey his accent. Different from John's Paul's and Ringo's. He didn't have great vocalist voice but he actually COULD SING. YES. For example Roll Over Beethoven (originally sang by Chuck Berry), Everybody's Trying to be My Baby (Carl Perkin's song), I Need You (his song), etc etc.
Undoubtedly, his next solo hits WERE SO DAMN COOL.

Stop talking about songs. I'm done. I think I like someone. Someone in my real world. Not George Harrison the former Beatle or Ringo Starr his friend, or Tintin from that comics I love, or another unreachable things. He is someone near to me. Whatever. Nobody can know who but me. Dan satu hal lagi bukan orang yang sedang ramai digosipin sama gue (dasar temen2 gue tukang gosip).
He has great eyes (I always love guys with great eyes). Not like my former crush who has sharp, sad, mysterious and deep eyes, he has an innocent and honest eyes.


Thursday, February 25, 2010

From Me to You

Gatau. Have no idea about the title. I'm listening to it. One of The Beatles' bests songs. ARGH!

Seharusnya gue lagi denger Cobra Starship buat siap2 nonton konsernya tanggal 23. Tapi The Beatles beat Cobra haha. Kemaren udah smpet hafalin dikit2 lagu Cobra: Fold Your Hands Child, Pleasure Ryland, Prostitution is the World's Oldest Profession, etc.

*now I have just changed the nowplaying to Ticket to Ride. aargh!! ILOVETHEBEATLES LAH POKOKNYA!!! CINTA!!!*

Hari ini di skolah duet sama Jessica Noorsita, nyanyi Good Girls Go Bad nya Cobra Starship.
Terus sama Ulla, Dela, dll bikin drama.
Oia di skolah lagi heboh yearbook dan acara graduation. Gue sih bodo amet lah mo kaya apa kek yg penting lulus haha.
Then this morning Chelsea, etc asked Valerie, Ulla, and me if the band wanna play in the graduation party. But we said no. Absolutely no. THEY've broken our heart already so we think we SHOULD NOT play in the graduation party.

Hari ini gue gak nyatet apa aja yang pengen gue tulis di blog. Pengakuan: sebenernya gue selalu catet kejadian2 lucu di skul buat nulis di blog. Tapi hari ini dan kemarin ngga.

*kembali nowplaying From Me to You. BAGUS DEH DONLOD YE SMUA!*

Monday, February 22, 2010


EMI music is gonna sell Abbey Road.
We, Beatlemania want to help prevent the sale of Abbey Road.


Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite

Speech. Some of our friends did speeches this morning. Dan lagi2 Jessica Noorsita did funny things. Seperti pas pelajaran BI kemaren, dia ngulang2 kata yang sama haha berkali2.
Then, our teacher Ms. K (The Beatles had Mr. K---> Mr.Kite, and we have Ms.Khrisna :D) said that no one is stupid. I said: Gimana kalo emang dia udah belajar tapi maksimalnya dia emang segitu? Yeah, people always has different point of view, okay.
And the saddest part was kita dapet nilai rata-rata TO terendah lagi teman. Kelas kita selalu dapet rata2 TO paling rendah. I don't find wrong things from our class, why did it happen? We gotta do more, pals!


Honestly, I slept. I think it's been like thousand years. But when I woke up, I found a fact that I just slept to miss 1question only (we were ngebahas soal2 from the book). That was not me who slept too briefly but it were my friends and teacher who discussed on that question too long.

Pak Bambang told a story (we always love his stories!). One day a highschooler told him that there was a junior-high-er who collapsed in the toilet. Pak Bambang RESCUE the fainted-girl *wooooo!!! cheeerrrsss!!!* and he became very sweaty and he said that he had lost some of his fat (haha but you still have THAT stomach, sir!). He was very tired and he thought he had burned some of his fat :D
When we was discussing of a question (dikasi soal kelas7 gitu ada gaya apalah mobil gitu. mobilnya lagi cepet, terus ada anak nyebrang jalan. mobilnya ngerem. anaknya ketabrak gak? pake itungan). Suddenly, Glenda, without counting, and without a physics-formula, she said that the car hit the child. When Pak Bambang asked why, she said: Kan kalo soalnya Pak Iwan kalo ada anak pasti ketabrak. Kalo Spiderman berentiin kereta yang mau jatoh, pasti berhasil, keretanya gajadi jatoh. HAHAHAHAHA YOU'RE THE BEST GLENDA! And if you count with the right formula, jawabannya emang itu!!!

For your information, our Geography teacher Pak Agus had just married like about 3weeks or 1month ago. Masih digodain sampe sekarang di kelas gue. If he did something jayus or something wrong, we would godain dia yang berhubungan dengan status barunya: married. For example today. As usual, he did something wrong and we would always said: ADUH BAPAK GAK KONSEN AJA NIH, MIKIRIN ISTRI YA DIRUMAH *dengan nada bercanda pasti*. Like that. Is that somekind of sarcastic? We don't think so :D.
Today, we talked about Sierra Madre Del Sur, a mountain in Mexico. One of my friend said Sierra Madre Del SUN. SUN*CIPIKACIPIKI* and SUN*makanan bayi*. Dan Pak Agus nanggepin. We godain him: Ih bapak udah mikirin makanan bayi aja, udah siap2 ya. and.. I don't know why, he talked about kalo dia masuk angin PAS MASIH BELUM NIKAH, dia suka makan bubur bayi SUN. Nah.. sekarang 'Ih Bapak sekarang kalo masuk angin dikasi sun sama istri ya.' like that like that. I hope Pak Agus would not be angry. All we did was just for fun and just kidding.

sometimes I love school.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds

I draw :D

With a Little Help From My Friend(s)

So this is the story of my sleepover at Val's.


After school we went straight to Val's house. Then we did things with our laptops. In the afteroon, after we had a dinner with Val's grandmother, we were doing some covers, no no. TONS OF COVERS of MANY FABULOUS SONGS *lebay* And we uploaded Maroon5's Sunday Morning and The Beatles' Let it Be (check out on facebook). And we did the cover of BERMACAM-MACAM *if you know the song. it has the melody of ALUSIA(batak song) and the lyrics are for God*
At night Valerie baked garlic breads for us and we watched My Sister's Keeper. When we were wacthing, I found a flee. A dog's flee that can't be dead if you just hit it. So we BURNED IT TO DEATH. MUAHAHA MUAHAHA DIE YOU FLEE. DIE.
After that we planned to watch Equilibrium *if I right* but we were too sleepy to wathed. So we slept.

I woke up at 10 to six because my alarm thought me to. But Valerie didn't woke up till 6.30 -_- so we went to school and almost late. Haha. I've never been late, and the evil Valerie wanted to make me late.
After school we went home to Val's. Then we went to buy a plain T-shirt but we didn't find it. But we found plain and cheap shoes. I bought the white one and Valerie bought the black one. I was going to draw on my shoes. Valerie bought things in the supermarket too.
When we reached home, we ate nasi padang and it was so yummy and big-sized. Then when we were making another garlic breads, Elisa came. But she had to go to a course so she didn't stay long. That noon, Valerie's dog named Luna was taken by a buyer. So she went sad and cried :(
After that we went to EX-PI. I bought a John Lennon's Imagine bracelet at Hard Rock Cafe *shit they had The Beatles on the wall---I mean wallpaper*. And I bought The Beatles' 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart Club Band' CD and George Harrison's 'Let it Roll' CD.

Valerie bought a book about CSI something and a CD. We went to Adidas store at EX and found Star Wars Adidas *shit I want it*. Then we sat in Starbucks, eating and drinking, increasing fats haha. Then we stared at a live band show, which had Pasto *a duo group, singing*. We hoped we could see RAN but we didn't.
Back in Val's house. All night long we searched for chords, tabs, and etc, and we did covers. For example, Boys Like Girls' Two is Better Than One. But we just laughed during the song because Valerie did something stupid haha. And I helped Valerie took photoshots. Then she began to work on her pictures using Adobe.
Then we went to sleep. With Valerie's dog named Ling-ling.

I went home *fullstop*

Eunice and Valerie. Buddies and Pals.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


So today Valerie and me wore the glasses we bought yesterday. Everything is not fine from the beginning, for me, but I always tried to make myself as confident as I can. I think Valerie didn't feel anything strange. But me, mine is white, Valerie's is brown. So it's me yang selalu ditertawakan. Ngga ditertawakan juga haha cuma gimana aja. Putih ngejreng. It's the first time gitu.

My friends were fine. They often look at someone who wears the similiar glasses, so it's fine. THE TEACHERS WHO WERE NOT FINE, as I know they MUST BE WANTING TO LAUGH AT US, I MEAN ME. But it's okay. I often laugh at them too, honestly.

First of all, I just know that Pak Bambang wanted to laugh at me, since the first time he walked in to my class. But he just didn't laugh. I don't know why, but I think, next year there will be a school rule about glasses :P
Nah, yang unusual: Bu Tres. Valerie and me menyapa dia kan. Then she didn't say a thing, just smiled and she said,"Saya tidak bisa berkata apa-apa." And she walked away.
Pak Didi. He almost hit the teacher's room's wall (the one which nect to the door) because of laughing.
Then, the last. Bu Dewi. Bu Dewi was walking with Bu Tres. Sebelumnya kan Bu Tres have seen us and have laughed at us. Nah kayanya beliau whispered ke Bu Dewi. Jadilah Bu Dewi berhehe-ria with Bu Tres.

this is the glasses. not so funny though.

Terus hari ini ada Try Out IPA kan. I didn't study yesterday. Because of my laziness. And as usual, I didn't feel I could do the test. Biasa juga IPA gak bisa. But I am pleased ketika tahu bahwa lumayan deh nilainya. If it's not wrong, I got 82. Daripada yang pertama-->68 ini sangat amat mendingan dan better lah. I hope it's not wrong.

bye. I'm still in love with former Beatles, George Harrison

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

We Found George's Camera!

Hari ini Rabu Abu, peringatan orang2 Katolik bahwa kita diciptakan dari abu dan akan kembali menjadi debu. Kita anak sanur attended Rabu Abu di Gereja Katedral, secara tinggal kepleset nyampe gitu (maksudnya skolah kita sebelahnya katedral).

Okeh. Misa berjalan spt biasa sampai: Adela Gunadi yg duduk tepat di row depan gue udah mo matahari-merahmuda (pink-sun; pingsan). Untung Clarissa Ardra sangat cepat tanggap langsung megangin. Guru2 juga siap siaga -_- Bu Jul, Bu Erna dan 1ibuguru lain (maaf lupa). Nah si Jenny Riveria disuru kipasin Dela kan.. Ibu Erna nyruh Jenny,"Jangan kenceng2 Jen kipasnya." Eh Jenny malah WOOOZ tambah kenceng. LOL dia gak denger hihihihih :D untung sih Dela gak jadi pingsan.

Oia terus tadi ada sedikit gossip sama Vania Josephine Rompas (Veve). Tentang si Gadis Cutter. Dia kemana2 bawa cutter di jaketnya OMG HOROR BANGET. dan yah selebihnya gak boleh diceritain disini kayanya. DANGEROUS, bisa mengganggu hajat hidup orang banyak.

Terus tadi temen sebangku gue Meily, dia bawa kunci mobil bokapnya. HAHAHA MEILY LO NGAPAIN MENN.

Siang2 nih sampe sore gue sama Valerie Djuhari ke Pasar Baru. Akhirnya kita punya kacamata RAY BAN HAHA (dia coklat udah lama gt baru ganti lensa minus, gue putih haha). Terus dia beli kamera jadul gitu hahah MINOLTA. Terus ada yang Pentax bagus. ADA JUGA YANG KAYA PUNYA GEORGE HARRISON : NIH

get to go. must study for tomorrow's try out.

p.s: someone's innocent eyes are better than his deep eyes. aaargh

Monday, February 15, 2010


Tugas mendadak dari Ibu Julia adalah maju memerankan tokoh dari sebuah buku, SENDIRIAN.
Pertama kita ke perpus untuk menemukan buku yang cocok. Gue milih GOLDEN COMPASS karna gue suka sama filmnya (yang main James Bond Daniel Craig hehe). Endingnya bagus kan: perpisahan Lord Asriel dan Mrs. Coutler (di film gada. tapi gue bayangin kalo Nicole Kidman sama Daniel Craig wuih pasti bagus). Dan gue memerankan adegan ciuman. Secara gue cuma sendiri di depan, ya taulah 'ciuman'nya kaya apa cuma sendiri -_- tapi lumayan mengibur kan? BENAR KAN TEMAN2? SAYA SANGAT MENGHIBUR HAHA.

Bagian Ulla dong "Salahin tuh cowo gw HAHA yg uda bikin gw aids, frustrasi dan make ky gini." Dia sebagai pecandu narkoba yang gak mampu beli obat2an lagi ngutang mulu haha. SERU ABIS COI!

Bagian Jessica Noorsita juga bagus. Sebernya serius, tapi malah jadi ketawa smua haha. *sial gue lupa bagian kata2nya dia yg diulang2 itu apa padahal gue pengen cerita*

Bagian Aggy dong! Dia tampar2an dengan diri sendiri HAHAH CAKEP GY! MANTAB!

Semuanya lucu dan menghibur deh! Temen2 gue gila smua :D LOVE YOU ALL PALS!


I miss this blog. I think I'm gonna write on this blog again. Sharing funny moments with you guys seems great. So this blog is officially activate!

Lately, I am a 9th grader. So long after my last post? hahah. not so long.

I love The Beatles.

And I'm doing my day as a usual 9th grader: Study Study Study.