Sunday, May 2, 2010

what's that between Poseidon and George Harrison?

After reading Percy Jackson and the Twelve Olympians: The Lightning Thief which I borrowed from Aggy, I BECAME A LITTLE BIT OBSESSED WITH POSEIDON, THE GOD OF SEAS, EARTHQUAKES, AND horses--->this is confusing and funny :|

So I started Googling about Poseidon and the best story about him is: Poseidon raped Medusa in the temple of Athena and Athena got angry, then she changed Medusa's beautiful hair into snakes and her beautiful face became ugly. Haha poor Medusa.

In the Percy Jackson book, Poseidon was the father of Perseus Jackson (in the Greek myth, he isn't the father of Perseus). And I don't know why I saw him like I first saw George Harrison. Yeah um, beard + good eyes maybe. Harrison had his guitar and Poseidon with his trident. But maybe Poseidon had bigger biceps and triceps and other muscles -_- than George.

And since I was born with Aquarius zodiac sign, I like water-things very much. And good to know that Poseidon is the God of the Seas. Percy Jackson was lucky to be his son: he could heal himself with water, he could breath in the water, he can control rivers, waves, and even toilet water :O

Thank you for listening.
I want to be a daughter of eihter Poseidon or George Harrison. NYAHAHAHHAAH -_-

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