Thursday, April 15, 2010

Please Don't Ask Me to Believe

The first thing is: All Time Low is coming to Jakarta on August 4.
The second thing is: I'll have been in Surabaya that time.

Facing the truth that I'm leaving is cool. I hate leaving my friends, my room, etc etc. But you know sometimes we have this feelings, the feeling when nobody needs you and you are depressed and you are alone in this world. I realize that I feel like that and need an escape, NOW.

I hate a part of my life now. It sucks. They suck. I hate when people just talking about themselves and, HELLO, CAN'T I TALK TOO? Yeah. People who just focusing on an object and ruined themselves and don't think about other people around them and making people like me dislike them.

For that kind of people, just go play with yourself and the object you're focusing on and slowly you're gonna be ruined. I am here if you need me, but it seems like you're too insane until you even don't recognize the things I've done for you. And you know what? Look into yourself dude. I've been always looking to myself, trying to find out what's wrong with me and I realize, that's not me. That's you.

And thank God there are people who still sane. They can share with each others. We talk about ourselves and we listen to each others' story and we do the Take and Give part correctly.

see you cruel world :)

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