Monday, October 11, 2010

LDKS Dalam Kota SMA Santa Maria Surabaya

Saturday, October 9.

In the morning, our school had an edufair event. Besides, we got our mid-term report.
In the afternoon, at 2 p.m., we (all of the CPO or Calon Pengurus OSIS) attended the LDKS (Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan Siswa). It was the 3rd step before we become the pengurus OSIS.

In the beginning, kita dikasih training2 tentang how to make a proper formal letter kemaren itu proposal dan LPJ, etc etc. Then after the materi selesai, we played some games and we cooked our own dinner. And we must eat these ingredients such as petai, paprika, kangkung, dll. After we ate (btw, for your information, we skipped mandi), we did some prayer.

The interestiing thing was when Kakak OSIS nya started shouting. She, I mean they, told us that we was soooooo wrong. After that, we were told to wait on the 4th floor. Then the highlight of the day happened:

We, one by one, must walk in the dark, (and FYI again, our school is 60 years old and it may contain...umm, ghosts?) and stopped at several spot yang dijaga sama Kakak2 OSIS. Me, I was the 3rd girl who did this.
1st stop, I WAS SO SHOCKED. It was Pak Wiwid our math teacher. Man! He was just sat there in the corner of the 3rd floor lorong and... oh yeah I thought he was 'something else'.
The rest of the stops were nice. I did this pretty good man. But no doubt I was a little bit scaredddd.

Then we slept hahahahahahahahahaha not a nice sleep but yeah cukup.

Sunday, October 10.

I the morning, I took a bath. Some of my friends didn't, but I did. Then at 6o'clock we dapet materi lagi dari Bu Rosa. After that, we must run to a park. Let's say, it was kinda far I think. I felt regret because I already took a bath.

Then we got a task to make some money. So our team helped a bapak2 to sell gorengan and some breads. And Thank God there is Kak Ganda in our team. He speaks Javanese so well so that some people interested in buying our dagangan.

After that we ate some breakfast. Thank God it was real and nice food. The food we ate the night before was kinda lame. We learned to be sederhana.

Then we had games. There were 5 posts to play. The 1st one was this game: we must close our eyes with a tie. Then 1person told us to walk to a right direction so that we didn't make the bottles (which were set up as ranjau) fall down.
The 2nd one, errr one word: WET. Yeah we played with water.
The 3rd was so physical depression. We must menyusun bangku and rapihin lagi dalam waktu yang sangat singkat.
The 4th was like a usual outbound game. We must walk on a rope, yah begitulah.
And the 5th ya hanya main berdiri sambil punggung2an and so on.

The last thing to do was evaluasi. yeaah yeah. finished.

Nice (and tiring) two days.

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