Friday, October 30, 2009


"I got to grow up in a situation where drugs were demonic. To watch your dad go through heroin withdrawal is something that would keep you from doing any of that yourself."

"Talent is funny, I've always looked at talent like what the hell does talent really mean? Talent is to actors what luck is to card players. It's not really anything, it's just a fictitious word that people have created and labeled things..."

"...Talent is like you know I never really believed in talent, I believed in drive and determination and preparation but talent is sort of like luck. I wouldn't want to think of myself as talented it doesn't seem like there's any validity in that. I like to think of myself as an ordinary man with extra ordinary determination. That's it."

"I know I'm one of the luckiest dudes in America right now. I have a great house. My parents don't have to work. I've got money. I'm famous. But it could all change, man. It could go away. You never know."
"Most actors on most days don't think they're worthy. I have no idea where this insecurity comes from, but it's a God-sized hole. If I knew, I'd fill it, and I'd be on my way."

"Sometimes I feel I'm living a meaningless life and I get frightened."

(when asked about what it's like to be a celebrity) "I'll tell you when I become one."

-Shia LaBeouf-

I am so inspired and THANK GOD! not for the beef but for the ROCK!


I'm getting intense with basketball.

terus tadi gue, Aggy, Ulla, sama 2anak kelas7 (MAAF MASI LUPA NAMANYA) lawan guru. curang gurunya BOYS. nggak deh: MEN + Bu Retha
-->Pak Iwan, Pak Didi, Pak Bernad
ya iyalah udah lebih tinggi, terus pass-break nya Pak Didi buset dah udah kaya apa tauu jauh banget.
terus Pak Bernad udah kaya bener2 freestyle haha -________- sampe muter2 sendiri.
kok pada jago sih?

and now I'm damn sick, capek....


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Santa Ursula's Day

Jumat,23 Oktober dan Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2009 merayakan Hari Santa Ursula. Sebenernya diawali pas hari Rabu,22 Oktober 2009 dengan misa kampus merayakan Hari Santa Ursula. Terus bagian SMP Sanur lanjutin dengan ngadain Sanur's Day; ada lomba-lomba seperti Fotografi, Modern Dance, Mendongeng (untuk SD), Cerdas-cermat, dan VOLIIIIII. haha.

gue ikut fotografi dan.......... *ta-da* juara3. sumpah, gue ga brasa 'waaaaaw' gitu. cuma bzzzzzzt. apaan sih. I DON'T FEEL A THING. I CAN'T FEEL A THING. setelah dipikir2, alesannya bisa disimpulkan dengan satu pertanyaan: kenapa 'manusia itu' gengsi banget sih?

udah ah. bt. minta critain orang lain aja ya. bye.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

AWAKE (2007)

The twenty-two year old Clay Beresford (Hayden Christensen) is a genius of finance secretly in love of his mother's secretary Sam Lockwood (Jessica Alba). Clay has a complex, expecting recognition from his mother Lilith Beresford that he is as capable as his father was, and he needs heart transplantation. When Clay finds a donor compatible with his rare blood, he requests his friend Dr. Jack Harper (Terrence Howard) operate him under the protest of his mother that wants the famous Dr. Jonathan Neyer responsible for the procedure. On the eve of his heart surgery, Clay marries Sam and during the surgery, he experiences an "anesthetic awareness" that leaves his conscious but paralyzed. Clay witnesses the dialogs in the room and discovers dark secrets about his surgery.

pokoknya cerita psychological-thriller tentang orang yang mau transplant jantung, terus dipotong pake pisau, berdarah2 gitu, serem. liat2 jantung orang dikobok-kobok. crita orang yang gabisa dibius terus sadar selama operasi. cerita cinta yang menipu. damn. terus cerita malpraktek, persahabatan, relationship mother-son. cerita 'sukses bukan segala2nya'. GILA BARU SADAR INI FILM KEREN BANGET SETELAH DIRINCIIN GINI.
dan film ini sangat menipu (Clay's bestbuddy and wife are suck), tapi happy ending. banyak flashbacknya. keren.

Hayden Christensen was damngreat! This is not STAR WARS and Hayden Christensen was not Anakin Akywalker. but it was damncool.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

Make it Simple...

Make it simple... simple as my daily speaking in English class today

I spoke about my orange converse shoe (I BROUGHT JUST ONE SHOE, NOT A PAIR OF SHOE. HAHA).

"This is a shoe. This is mine. It's orange... and I love orange."
everybody's laughing, and I tought I might be serious. So I started to tell them about my dream about my shoes: "Last night I was dreaming about my shoes. In my dream I lost my right shoe, and my uncle told me to push a button on my shoe, and RIIIIIING my right shoe rang, so that I could find my right shoe."

KILLeunice. wearenotgoingtoMURDERsomeone, wejustwannaROCK

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Kartun-kartun Zaman Kita Masih Anak Ingusan

kmrn, 13.10.09 gue, Aggy, Gitta, Joana, Elisa, Veve, Jessica mengenang masa kecil. Nyanyi2 OST nya Tsubasa, Hachi, Dragon Ball, dll dll.

Kartun yg dibahas :
- Minky Momo

- Tsubasa

- Tamiya, Let's n Go

- Beyblade

- Crush Gear

- Hunter X Hunter

- Hachi (film lebah yg itu loh... judulnya apa sih?)---> Honey Bee Hutch

- Maha Go

- Sailormoon

- Mojacko

- Yu yu Hakusho

- Ranma 1/2

yunisbodoh kembali beraksi, kali ini bersama teman2nya, yang pintar2

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Let's Play

Rama NIDJI taken by: kak Steve

Launching Album Nidji, Let's Play.
Sabtu, October 10, 2009.
Ancol, Live RCTI

Arti Sahabat medley Disco Lazy Time, pas Disco, feat. Tria Changcut.
Kau dan Aku feat. Ariel Peterpan.

Laskar Pelangi NIDJI minus Giring, feat. Tria Changcut, Ariel Peterpan, Rian D'Masiv.
VT Let's Play promo gitu.
Sang Mantan.
Hapus Aku.
VT Child, feat. Nakula.

D'Masiv nyanyi Jangan Lupakan medley Jangan Menyerah.
D'Masiv nyanyi lagi Kau yang Terindah-Diam Tanpa Kata-Kau yang Terindah-Diam Tanpa Kata terus2an gantian gitu.

Manusia Sempurna feat. Kevin Vierra, Rian D'Masiv.
Cincin nya Rama NIDJI disorot mulu hahahaheheheheheh.
Akhir Cinta Abadi, VT ortu Giring, Ariel, Andro, Adri. Terus orangtuanya dateng. Giring NIDJI nangis nya melebihi anak2 94 pas retret.

Let's Play. nari2 GAYA KOREA (kalo gue bilang sih...). Kaosnya 1 orang 1 huruf, jadi NIDJI gitu. Rama pake N. Giring pake I. Ariel pake D. RunD pake J. Andro pake I. Adri di belakang pake kaos gambar 'play' gitu yg bentuknya segitiga haha.
Sudah, feat. Lukman Peterpan & Momo Geisha (ini siapa sih? perlu googling! haha).
Cinta Tak Pernah Sama, aransemen baru. Rama nyanyi 'rok n roll.....' apa gitu... haha

Ku Takkan Bisa. Pas denger kmrn sih melayu banget. tapi hari ini udah denger di CD gitu jadi bagus hehe. giring NIDJI pake baju Darth Vader (mau banget), trus dilepas, ada dalemnya, di lepas lagi, ada dalemnya, baju Michael Jackson 'Long life the King'.
Rela Berkata. Satu lagi lagu baru yang agak melayu, tapi sekarang gue lagi dengerin lagi, kaya lucu gitu lagunya, bagus.

Biarlah, closing.


STILL nidjiholic. eunice <3>

Friday, October 9, 2009

Ujung-Ujungnya Tuhan

retret 94 SMP Santa Ursula
Sukabumi, Selasa, 6 Oktober 2009- Kamis, 8 Oktober 2009

Angel, Karlin, Joana, Winny
Veve, Diana, Aggy, Michelle, Gitta, Rheta, Glenda, Valerie, Elisa, Lauren, Janice, Natalia, Bu Julia, Romo Uut
Ulla, Chelsea, Raras, Jessica, Olivia, Nathania, Zha-zha, Teresa, Atis
Jenny, Claudia, Sonia, Juliani, Tessa, Meily, Eunice, Jojo, Maria, Bu Ina
photographer: Dela

bersama2 kita jalanin retret dengan sangat fun dan religius(hahahahah)
games, renungan, makan, tidur, semuanya sama2.

thx to:
sama Bu Jul
Bu Ina
Romo U.U.T(Ujung-Ujungnya Tuhan)
rumah retretnya, wisma apa gitu
org2 di rumah retret yg nyiapin semua2nya
temen2 seperjuangan di 94 (Val, Diana, Chelsea, Veve, Jenny, CL, Ulla, Dela,etc etc)



p.s: ke salon, menipedi, dan GINI-GINI (pake gaya Veve) mantab.

p.s.s: in the bus, kita nyanyi2 lagu rohani loh!

p.s.s.s: pas di jalan pulang, ada mobil HIJAU DAUN di sebelah kita hahahahahahahahah!!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

yunisbodoh (kembali beraksi): EMOtionally down

Hari ini EMO banget. cengeng. cupu. bodoh.
gue urutin dari pagi ya.

1. Batik Day: pake baju batik--->sebuah awal yang manis

2. Ujian voli: nggabisalah men. sayaanakbasketmen.


4. Pembagian laopran mid: baru pertama kali dalam sejarah, selama saya SMP, mid jelek, ortu dipanggil. gila. sorry mum I'm yunisbodoh :(

5. Siang ini bener2 bikin gue (Val, Ulla, n Joana) EMOTIONALLY SICK AND GIVE UP. band,mid,guru,ortu,semua udah jadi MEGA-BIG-ULTRA-SUPER-DUPER PROBLEM.

6. Trus abis nangis2 ber4, tadi ada basket. bikin sedih juga karna... ya gitu deh. *we are the sweaty un-useful girls with orange balls*

7. sore2 dapet kabar bahwa Opa saya meninggal. emang udah dirawat di rumah sakit.

can u imagine what today is for me? theendoftheworld,I guess..

oia, sayasukasamaorangdanbener2nggapakelogika.

terus, tadipelajaranBKngomongin'mimpi' haha &^%$#@#$%^&*^%!!!!

SUICIDE is one thing that makes me look like an EMO