Friday, March 12, 2010


So today I'm gonna talk about:
1. Phony people.
2. Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland

PHONY PEOPLE are around you guys. They are phonies. He is a phony. She is a phony. You are phonies. We are phonies. I am a phony.
So since I fnished reading "The Catcher in the Rye" which I had bought from Florianti, I beware of phonies. And so I found many in my life. Even people whom I really care.

intermezzo: hari ini ada ujian praktek biologi. gue dapet menguji amilum pada daun. dan it's kinda failed i thought. tapi ternyata ngga failed2 amat. tapi karna panik, lembar kerjanya gue blm isi smua. takdir lah. cacat. argh.

ALICE IN WONDERLAND is not so bad. But, the 3D effects are not so 3D (or it's just me yang pake kacamata 3D dobel sama kacamata minus). Watched it in EX at 3p.m. with Elisa. and we met people from school, or etc that we know.
And I am madly in love with Hatter. Idk ini karna yang maen Johnny Depp atau emang Mad Hatter was a caring and lovely gentleman. If I were Alice, I would stay in Wonderland and have a tea with the Hatter for the rest of my life.
My suggestion, ini bukan film anak kecil juga sih, mentang2 judulnya Alice in Wonderland. Karna, ada adegan mutusin pala naganya gitu -_-

I feel like I must tell this story but I can't. Uh oh, feeling upset.


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